Inside Your Brain
Around three pounds with jelly texture that control your thinking, feelings, movement, breathing, digestion, circulation, and more.
The brain has three major parts that are highly interconnected and dependent on each other. Each part has its own primary set of functions.
The CerebrumFills up most of your Skull
- Remembering
- Problem-solving
- Thinking and feeling
- Control body movement
Sits at the back of head
- Controls Coordination and balance
- Fine tuning thoughts, emotions, touch, and other senses
The cerebellum helps “automate” movements so you can do things like type quickly and accurately or learn dance moves.
The Brain StemSits in front of the cerebellum
- Connects brain to the spinal cord
- Controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure
- Body temperature
Left Brain
- Speech and language (called the Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, respectively)
- Mathematical calculation
- Fact retrieval
Right Brain
- Visual and auditory processing
- Spatial skills
- Artistic ability (more instinctive or creative things)

A Single Organ That Controls The Body
Brain controls every aspect of the body, ranging from heart rate and appetite to emotion, learning, and memory. The brain controls the immune system’s response to disease and determines. It shapes our thoughts, hopes, dreams, and imaginations. Enable us to perform all these functions that makes us human.

Aging Leads To The Decline Of Body Functionality
Neural cells in the brain and peripheral nervous system deteriorate structurally and functionally over time. It is associated with a decline in sensory, motor and cognitive functions of the brain.